Sergio Xalambrí

I'm a web developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I work at Daffy as a Web Developer.

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  1. I saved How I would do auth

  2. I saved Card Stack

  3. I wrote about On Frontend vs Backend

  4. I published how to Validate Form in Remix with clientAction

  5. I published how to Configure scoped private packages in Bun

  6. I published how to Use package.json#bin to create a CLI

  7. I saved Margin considered harmful

  8. I saved The Copenhagen Book

  9. I published how to Add i18n to a Remix Vite app

  10. I published how to Autoload the correct Node version with NVM

  11. I added the definition of HDR to the glossary

  12. I added the definition of HMR to the glossary

  13. I added the definition of PPR to the glossary

  14. I added the definition of ISR to the glossary

  15. I added the definition of SSG to the glossary

  16. I added the definition of PESPA to the glossary

  17. I added the definition of PEMPA to the glossary

  18. I published how to Nest routes with dynamic params in Remix

  19. I published how to Build a simple login and logout with Remix

  20. I published how to Access Remix's loaders data in entry.client

  21. I published how to Handle not found URLs with Remix

  22. I published how to Add dynamic canonical URL to Remix routes

  23. I published how to Enable Remix ~/ aliased imports in Vitest

  24. I added the definition of API to the glossary

  25. I added the definition of MPA to the glossary

  26. I added the definition of SPA to the glossary

  27. I added the definition of CSR to the glossary

  28. I added the definition of SSR to the glossary

  29. I published how to Create a CRUD with Remix

  30. I saved I miss RSS

  31. I published how to Call an action from a loader in Remix

  32. I published how to Use React Portal in Remix

  33. I published how to Defer a Fetch response in Remix

  34. I published how to Use a CDN for your static assets in Remix

  35. I published how to Build an app with Remix and Bun

  36. I published how to Find and remove unused code with Knip

  37. I published how to Create multiple top-level layouts in Remix

  38. I saved Kind of annoyed at React

  39. I published how to Test meta tags using Playwright

  40. I saved React Aria

  41. I published how to Prefetch data for Remix Fetcher usage

  42. I published how to Keep Your Loader Data Fresh in Remix

  43. I published how to Expose Remix Routes as API Endpoints

  44. I published how to Upload Images in a Remix Application

  45. I published how to Redirect with Search Param in Remix

  46. I published how to Access the Loader Data in Remix

  47. I published how to Get Remix route params `entry.server`

  48. I published how to Test meta tags with Cypress

  49. I saved My thoughts on open-source

  50. I published how to Strongly type Remix route IDs

  51. I published how to Strongly type public assets in Remix

  52. I published how to Create a reusable Form component in Remix

  53. I saved Social RSS

  54. I saved Blogging as DRY

  55. I published how to Logout from Auth0 with Remix Auth

  56. I published how to Reset a form on success in Remix

  57. I published how to Send JSON to a Remix action

  58. I published how to Automatically commit sessions on Remix

  59. I published how to Customize Remix AppLoadContext type

  60. I published how to Turn on Caps Lock on Cypress

  61. I published how to Delete a Cookie using Remix cookie helpers

  62. I published how to Add runtime SSG and ISR to Remix

  63. I published how to Improve SEO by not sending JS in Remix

  64. I published how to Use AMP with Remix

  65. I published how to Use Remix as a SPA only

  66. I saved A Theory of Web Relativity

  67. I published how to Add rolling sessions to Remix

  68. I published how to Use Server-Sent Events with Remix

  69. I published how to Use `process.env` client-side with Remix

  70. I published how to Persist inputs after a form submit in Remix

  71. I saved Streaming: is it worth it?

  72. I published how to Lazy-load React components in Remix

  73. I wrote about Optional route segments with Remix

  74. I published how to Redirect to an external website with Remix

  75. I published how to Bubble up data on Remix routes

  76. I published how to Group related routes together in Remix

  77. I saved How to Section Your HTML

  78. I published how to Parse Markdown with Markdoc in Remix

  79. I saved RSS

  80. I wrote about Working with Refresh Tokens in Remix

  81. I saved Device-Agnostic

  82. I published how to Optimize image loading with plain HTML

  83. I wrote about Multiple forms per route in Remix

  84. I published how to Add returnTo behavior to Remix Auth

  85. I published how to Run Tailwind and Remix in Parallel with PM2

  86. I published how to Use Remix with

  87. I published how to Run Next and Remix on the same server

  88. I wrote about HTTP vs. Server-side Cache in Remix

  89. I wrote about On-Demand Hydration in Remix

  90. I wrote about The useMatches hook in Remix

  91. I published how to Test Remix loaders and actions

  92. I published how to Use NProgress in a Remix app

  93. I wrote about Result Objects in TS

  94. I wrote about Dark Mode and Dark Context

  95. I saved When You Stop Counting

  96. I published how to Use Fathom with Remix

  97. I saved A Case For Use Cases

  98. I published how to Use Dependabot to keep Remix up-to-date

  99. I wrote about Automatic Revalidation in Remix

  100. I saved People read on the web

  101. I saved Browsers and Representation

  102. I saved Google vs. the web

  103. I saved The Mythical Document Web

  104. I saved Breaking the web forward

  105. I saved Back to the Future with RSS

  106. I saved Screaming Architecture

  107. I saved Anemic Domain Model

  108. I saved iOS 15, Humane

  109. I wrote about Using Service Workers with Remix

  110. I wrote about Localizing Remix apps with i18next

  111. I wrote about Adding CSRF protection to Remix

  112. I published how to Load only the data you need in Remix

  113. I wrote about Using TailwindCSS with Remix

  114. I published how to Use ETags in Remix

  115. I wrote about Jest Matchers for Remix responses

  116. I published how to Read search params with JS

  117. I wrote about Que es un bundler de JS

  118. I wrote about Remix vs Next.js Comparison

  119. I saved Imagining native skip links

  120. I saved Before You memo()

  121. I wrote about Usar variables de entorno en Next.js

  122. I published how to Build your own RSS Reader

  123. I saved Open Peeps

  124. I saved System Design 101

  125. I wrote about About

  126. I saved Be Wary of Nesting Roles

  127. I saved Accessible SVGs

  128. I saved CSS and Scalability

  129. I wrote about Using MDX with Remote Content

  130. I saved Practical React Query

  131. I saved Don't design for mobile

  132. I saved Stop Using “Drop-down”

  133. I saved The Lava Layer Anti-Pattern

  134. I saved UI as an afterthought

  135. I wrote about Todo lo que sé de SWR

  136. I saved Wormhole state management

  137. I saved Todo el software está roto

  138. I saved Architecting UIs for Change

  139. I wrote about The States of the UI

  140. I saved "Semantic" CSS

  141. I saved A clean start for the web

  142. I wrote about What I Use

  143. I saved The Art of UI Skeletons

  144. I saved Shared Hook State with SWR

  145. I saved The Real Dark Web

  146. I saved The Great Divide

  147. I saved How the Blog Broke the Web

  148. I saved How to Section Your HTML

  149. I saved write on your own website

  150. I saved Just write

  151. I saved HTML Reference

  152. I saved CSS Reference

  153. I saved The God Login

  154. I saved Your Body Text Is Too Small

  155. I saved Architecture as a burden

  156. I saved Refactoring UI

  157. I saved Cards

  158. I saved Introducing Grial

  159. I saved Implementando Pulse Editor

  160. I saved Presentamos Pulse Editor

  161. I saved Migrando a Redux

  162. I saved Middlewares en Redux.js

  163. I wrote about Como me inicié en el desarrollo web

  164. I wrote about Why build a non-RESTful API

  165. I wrote about How shallow: true works in Rails

  166. I wrote about How I Organize React Applications

  167. I wrote about Data-Aware Components

  168. I wrote about Collected Notes TS Client

  169. I published how to Use SWR with Geolocation

  170. I wrote about Using Collected Notes as CMS

  171. I published how to Sync SWR cache with Web Storage

  172. I published how to Configure Google Suite MX records in Vercel

  173. I published how to Report Web Vitals in Next.js

  174. I published how to Purge unused CSS with TailwindCSS

  175. I published how to Use a scoped registry with Yarn

  176. I wrote about Using Immer with SWR to mutate data

  177. I wrote about Using Tailwind with Next.js

  178. I wrote about Using Paginated Data with SWR

  179. I wrote about Introduction to SWR

  180. I wrote about Feature Flags in React with Flagged

  181. I wrote about Next.js File Structure

  182. I wrote about Testing in Next.js: Dynamic Imports

  183. I wrote about Redirects in Next.js, the Best Way

  184. I wrote about Introducing Contentz

  185. I wrote about Career Titles and Levels in Tech

  186. I wrote about Deploy de Contentz a Netlify

  187. I wrote about Contentz es Omakase

  188. I wrote about Aplicaciones web con Zero Server

  189. I wrote about Presentando Contentz

  190. I wrote about Uso del prop children en React

  191. I wrote about Composición de Componentes en React

  192. I wrote about Tipos de datos en React

  193. I wrote about Componentes con React

  194. I wrote about Hola Mundo con React

  195. I wrote about Cargando React desde un CDN

  196. I wrote about Mi Static Site Generator ideal

  197. I wrote about Automatización con Shell Scripts

  198. I wrote about Conceptos básicos de JS: Array#push

  199. I wrote about Conceptos básicos de JS: Array#map

  200. I wrote about Scalable Real-Time Applications

  201. I wrote about React v16.6: lazy, memo y más

  202. I wrote about Introducción a MDX

  203. I wrote about Documentation, Lessons Learned

  204. I wrote about Documentación, Lecciones Aprendidas

  205. I wrote about Renderizando Markdown en React.js

  206. I wrote about Implementando un Servidor de GraphQL

  207. I wrote about Bye Platzi, hi ▲ZEIT

  208. I wrote about Introducción a GraphQL

  209. I wrote about Combinando React.js y Redux.js

  210. I wrote about Introducción a Redux.js

  211. I wrote about Compilando el Frontend con webpack

  212. I wrote about Introducción a ECMAScript 2016/7

  213. I wrote about Lo nuevo en React v0.14

  214. I wrote about Usando ECMAScript 6/2015 con Babel

  215. I wrote about Escribiendo CSS de la forma correcta

  216. I wrote about El módulo Flexbox de CSS3

  217. I wrote about JavaScript orientado a objetos