
My definition of some terms.

Code interface used to interact with an application. It can go from a function in a library, a method in the runtime of the code to an HTTP based one using URLs and HTTP methods.
An application rendering strategy where the rendering happens in a client, typically the browser, in the same process event listeners are attached to react to them and re-render the UI.
A development-time compiler feature where the data used by an application is replaced at runtime without reloading the application and losing any in-memory state.
A development-time compiler feature where the code is replaced at runtime without reloading the application or server and losing any in-memory state.
An application rendering strategy where SSG is used combined with SSR to update or generate new static HTML files at runtime without re-building the application.
An application navigation strategy where the navigation between routes/views happens by requesting a new document from the server.
A progressively enhanced MPA that uses JS, general navigation happens like a MPA but in-page changes happens with or without JS to fetch more data as the user interact with the application.
A progressively enhanced SPA that uses SSR on document requests, and after JS loads start working as a SPA, while most if not all of the behavior can stil work before JS work.
An application rendering strategy where SSG is used in combination with SSR to generate at build time the static parts of an HTML document and then use SSR to stream the dynamic parts at runtime.
An application navigation strategy where the navigation between routes/views of the application happens client-side without creating a new document request.
An application rendering strategy where the server generates static HTML files at build time instead of runtime. Updating those static files require a new build of the application.
An application rendering strategy where the rendering happens in a server, typically at runtime when a new render is requested.